Pizza's back on the menu

Find out how we turned a classic favourite into something that everyone can enjoy!
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Ever since we started our low-carb journey, the craving we've never been able to fill is PIZZA. Everyone loves pizza. So, we wanted to put a slice back on the plates of our low-carb legends.


How did we get this Pizza?

For as long as we can remember we've had low-carb legends from high and low awaiting for the perfect Pizza.

A few months ago, we finally took the plunge and set to task to deliver yet another game-changing product. Not a cardboard-y base on it's own, not cauliflower topped with cheese but PROPER pizza.

After many ups & downs, it's finally here. (Thank you Colette 💚)

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All the flavour, none of the compromise!

How did we decide on which flavours to make?

Well, believe it or not we a actually did some market research this time to find out the UKs favourite pizzas.

Coming in at number 1 is (no surprise) DOUBLE PEPPERONI. The nations favourite pizza by a country mile so we had to give it the low-carb treatment it deserves.

Number 2 on the hit list is Tandoori Chicken. Something you'll probably have seen on your favourite take-away menu many times but may not have tried. The extra chicken gives heaps of protein whilst keeping the carbs SERIOUSLY low.

Third on the list is our take on the classic Three-Cheese & Pesto Pizza. We've given a dash of pesto to really kick it upo a notch!

Competitors getting knocked down like dominoes.

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    Tandoori Chicken

    80% more Protein than the nations leading Tandoori Chicken take-away pizza

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    Double Pepperoni

    87% less Carbs than the best-selling takeaway pepperoni pizza

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    3-Cheese & Pesto

    81% less sugar than the leading take-away cheese pizza

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Fun for all the family!

Our 9-inch amazingly tasty low-carb pizzas can be cut into 6 generous slices or 8 bitsize slices, which means a couple having a romantic night in could share one between them. Or mix-it up! Grab two different flavours and share it between your family of 4!

Cooking Instructions:

The first step to low carb pizza heaven is a piping hot pre-heated oven. Remove all packaging including the base disc. Redistribute the toppings your way, if you like😊 For best results, place your pizza directly on the top rack of your pre-heated oven. Cook in line with the timings below but keep your eye on it as it cooks quickly.

Oven Cook from Chilled: Time 6-8 mins, Oven: 220°C, Fan: 200°C, Gas: Gas Mark 7

Oven Cook from Frozen: Time 11-14mins, Oven: 200°C, Fan: 180°C, Gas: Gas Mark 6

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Our Pizza Bases

There's only one way to make a great pizza, and that is with the perfect base.
You'll never be able too find an easier or quicker option than this guilt free base ready for all your pizza wnats and needs.
All you have to do is find the perfect combo to top the equally perfect base and you've created a masterpiece!

Create Your Masterpiece
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Our packaging and our environment

We try to be as environmentally responsible as possible. Please reuse the ice packs that come with your order, dispose of the foil responsibly & make sure to recylce the cardboard and paper filler!