SRSLY Low Carb Broadens Its Pizza Appeal With
Cutting Edge, Mighty Meat-Free Offer

Aug sees SRSLY Low Carb broaden its pizza horizons with the eagerly anticipated launch of a MIGHTY Meat Free Feast, which to SRSLY’s way of thinking doesn’t mean a sparsely topped cheese & tomato pizza but a sublime, low carb proposition jam-packed with 3 innovative additions that SRSLY challenges your taste buds to differentiate from real meat.
Our 3 cutting-edge ‘meat free’ toppings include:
1. Buffalo Chick’n Strips – using a clever combo of soy protein & spices, these tender strips are both spicy, and meaty. Honestly, you’d never know it wasn’t chicken!
2. Vegeroni – made from the popular meat alternative jackfruit and some virtuoso seasoning, this vegan pepperoni is magnificently moreish!
3. Chorizo-no Crumble – enjoy a generous scattering of vegan chorizo crumble which offers all the flavour of traditional chorizo just none of the pork!
Pizzas have become SRSLY’s undisputed product hero in recent years, coupling the business’s unrivalled low carb bready learnings with a steadfast commitment to never short-change in terms of taste